Electronic Readout

List of errors in the Error Handler here.



How to start the error handler

  1. be sure that the SPD is not in data taking!
  2. go to spdFEElectronics -> Manual config -> Router settings
  3. click on "no data to DAQ" and "High multiplicity in CDH"
  4. click on "write all active"
  5. open Panel collection for experts -> Router error mask
  6. click on "Set to all", "Enable all errors", "Fastor errors in the data stream" and "Longer busy error"
  7. click on "Write", check with "Read"
  8. go to spdFEElectronics -> Manual config -> Router settings
  9. UN-tick "no data to DAQ" and click "write all active"


How to exclude Routers from the data taking

Procedure to follow when ALL the half-staves of the router are excluded from the FSM.

  1. go to Manual config -> Router settings
  2. tick "Exclude trigger from TTC" and "High multiplicity in CDH" and click "write"
  3. go to Manual config -> FanInFanOut
  4. untick to remove the router you want to exclude, click on write and then read for confirmation
  5. go to DCA - Alice DAQ panel and open "Select equipment"
  6. exclude the router
  7. click "Commit" and then "Quit"


FED servers down

  1. rdesktop to alispdwn010 and alispdwn011
  2. Start -> Administrative tools -> Services
  3. stop and start the spdfed_server service (for your info: the executable is in D:\spdFed\SPD_FEDServer.exe)
  4. go back to SPD HI:
    1. Refresh ChList
    2. AutoConfig Router
    3. Load DB Configuration
    4. Config HS List
    5. Mask SPD
  5. if the PC needs to be restarted, go to Start -> Accessories -> Command prompt and type "shutdown -r -t 01"
  6. the PC will restart, then do actions from 2 to 4


How to program routers

  1. the programming files are stored on the working nodes (alispdwn010 for side A, and alispdwn011 for side C) under D:\spdFED\JamPlayer\router_jam_files
  2. the jamsof files are for the soft programming (erased after power cycle of the electronics), the jampof file are for permanent programming (stays after power cycle of the electronics)
  3. from the UI open spdFEElectronics -> Manual Config -> Router Settings -> Panel collection for experts -> Program Routers
  4. choose the program mode ("Program" for jampof files, "Configure" for jamsof files), the file path and the router to program and launch "Program routers"
  5. BE CAREFUL!!!!
    If the jamsof file is used, the programming procedure takes ~10 minutes per router, do not touch anything during this time


correspondance between BClock and BCmod4

BC lock BCmod4 sequence
0 2 3 0 1
1 3 0 1 2
2 0 1 2 3
3 1 2 3 0