"If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one to go wrong" [Murphy's law]
When to End the Tests.
- Weight decrease more than 8 kg from the initial value(Liquid in the compressor).
- Important : Switch OFF the sector and the dummies staves.
- Put the Cooling in STANDBY and closed the open loops.
- AOB.
In Case Of
- Switch OFF the sector and the dummies staves.
- To see what is the problem press < Fault & regul. > and then < R8 > to scroll the 2 warnings screen and the 2 alarms screen.
- Identify and solve the problem ( if needed, call the "helpdesk" (Gianluca) 165453).
- Push < Reset > and put the Cooling in STANDBY (closing the open loops) or RUN. ATTENTION : it is possible to reset the system only three times in few minutes, after that the reset button will be blocked for an hour. If after two resets the system goes still in ALARM, please use the [[AliceSpdCoolingProceduresPVSS#CallNumberCooling][telephones number]].
To Stand-by the Cooling (after an end of test, at the end of the day or after a STOP)
- Switch OFF the sector and the dummies staves.
- On the PLC panel < Setting > -> < Mode > -> < Mode > -> arrows to select Standby -> < Enter >.
- Press < Setting > -> < R8 > (Loops control) and then, with the arrows and the < Mode > button, close all the open loops.
To Recover the Cooling
- Switch OFF the sector and the dummies staves.
- On the PLC panel < Setting > -> < Mode > -> < Mode > -> arrows to select Standby -> < Enter >.
To Run the Cooling
Note: If is is planned to run for long time at low power, in the beginning close all the sectors loops and leave only loop #9 and 10 opened. To do that: < Setting > -> < XBT controls (R2)> -> < Mode > -> arrows to select the loop -> < Mode > -> arrows to select Closed -> < Enter >.
- On the PLC panel: < Setting > -> < Mode > -> < Mode > -> arrows to select Run -> < Enter >.
- Wait 10 minutes ( to allow the liquid to go in the circuits),
- Then switch ON the dummies (36V). Be sure that the dummies are cooled.
-- Main.gguaglio - 02 Mar 2006