Pixel Trigger components and construction
The Pixel Trigger project is in place to build an electronic hardware/software system linked to the ALICE Silicon Pixel detector (SPD). The Pixel Trigger system allows to process the low latency and low granularity Fast-OR signals of the SPD detector in order to generate an input for the ALICE Central Trigger Processor,within a latency of 800 ns. The result of the Pixel Trigger algorithm is taken into account in the ALICE Level 0 trigger decision.
Working areas
- PitProgress page containing a summary of deliverables and ongoing activities
- PitHardware page containing information on the Pixel Trigger hardware activities
- PitPvss page containing information on the PVSS project controlling the pixel trigger system
- PitDriver page containing information on the Pixel Trigger driver software development
- PitFirmware with working info on the pit FPGA firmware development
- RouterDDL page containing firmware revisions for the implementation of the basic PIT DDL functionalities on the router card. Used only for driver development
Further documentation
How to use CAE programs with the CERN Terminal Service
For a list of Articles on the Pixel Trigger refer to the Publications.
2005 - Internal Note "Minimum bias triggers in proton-proton collisions with the VZERO and Silicon Pixel Detectors" [pdf]
2005 - Progress Report - J.Conrad [pdf]
2006 - LECC06 presentation "The Level 0 Pixel Triger System for the ALICE experiment" [pdf]
2008 - TWEPP08 presentation "The Level 0 Pixel Trigger System for the ALICE experiment: implementation, testing and commissioning" [pdf]