This program is similar to the "AnalyzeSPDscan" program that was used on the DAQ computer (LDC018) in the DSF during the sector tests. It is now able to also read container files produced by physics runs. To build the code, you need to have Root installed.
Unpack the downloaded file and build the code (version 2.2 as an example):
> tar zxvf SPDRefDisplayer_v2.2.tgz
> cd SPDRefDisplayer_v2.2
> make (first edit Makefile to set/unset "ONL_FLAG" wether installing at P2 or not)
The program runs with:
> SPDRefDisplayer.exe
or - with Grid connection (available from version 2.2 on):
> gridSPDRefDisplayer.exe
The image below shows the top of the window that you get when running the application (at P2).
The buttons are explained in the following table:
Copy Reference Data | Button is visible only if program compiled for P2. Copies reference data files (using perl scripts) from the LDCs to the monitoring machine where this program runs. |
Display Reference Data | Displays reference data files (without analyzing them). In most cases this means that a hit-map is displayed. May read from local files as well as from grid (see above how to do that). |
Analyze Reference Data | Displays reference data files, and analyze them (perform the same tasks as the DAs, and display the results). May read from local files as well as from grid (see above how to do that). |
Run DA Offline | Button is visible only if program not compiled for P2. Gives the possibility to run DA on local raw data file in offline mode (if offline DA version is available) using perl script. |
Copy DCS Config Output | Button is visible only if program compiled for P2. Copies DCS Config Output files (using perl scripts) from the LDCs to the monitoring machine where this program runs. |
Display DCS Config Output | Displays DCS Config Output files. (These are the files generated when running a DA that sends output for the Detector Configuration DB.) |