SPDmood installation

  1. Target a Linux machine for installation.
    Development made on SLC4.
  2. Install ROOT.
    Any ROOT version should be fine, but in case of problems, check download page for details on specific ROOT version used for development of each SPD-MOOD version.
  3. Install DATE.
    Optional. Needed if running online monitoring.
  4. Download and install mpeg2encode and mpgtx.
    Optional. Needed if making movies. May be downloaded from the web. Add the binaries to the PATH environment variable.
  5. Download SPD-MOOD.
    All versions can be found here .
    The downloaded .tgz file is un-packed by (in case of version 4.06):
    > tar zxvf SPDMood_v4.06.tgz
  6. Add environment information to login script.
    Set 'SPDMOOD_SITE' to the downloaded directory name. For bash shell users, do something like this:
    export SPDMOOD_SITE=/local/home/SPDMood_v4.06
    export PATH=$SPDMOOD_SITE/bin:$PATH
  7. Set compile options.
    Edit $SPDMOOD_SITE/src/Makefile. First two lines may be edited according to desired mode of operation:
    Set WITH_DATE = 1 if DATE is installed, otherwise WITH_DATE = 0.
    Set WITH_MOVIE = 1 if movie making is wanted, otherwise WITH_MOVIE = 0.
  8. Compile the code.
    > cd $SPDMOOD_SITE/build
    > make
  9. Run application.
    > SPDmood.exe
    Might require to re-run login script.
    In case connection to grid is needed, SPD-MOOD can be started by:

    > gridSPDmood.exe