List of the data format errors here.
To launch SPDmood
- log in to the dqm machines. From a terminal type "sshdqm spd@SPDHits"
- type "SPDmood.exe &"
To login and see data online
- if SPDmood was already running with other settings, from the main menu press STOP (the yellow button) and then LOGOUT (first button on the left)
- press LOGIN; another panel will open
- in the "online path" write the name of the GDC that is used in the active run (e.g. @spd-GLOBAL-02: with the semicolumn at the end). In this way SPDmood will see the data arriving to that GDC only, so if a run has more than 1 GDC included, only a subset of data will be displayed. NOTE: To see the data from all the GDCs included in a run type the name of the partition (e.g. =PHYSICS_1)
- press on "Apply" and then RUN
- REMEMBER: press AU-UP (auto-update) button on evrey histogram that you open. It should be green, otherwise the plot will not be updated.
To re-build SPDmood
- procedure to apply in case of a root update (or when the SPDmood does not work anymore)
- log in to the dqm machines. From a terminal type "sshdqm spd@SPDHits"
- cd build
- make clean
- make
To launch SPDReferenceDisplayer
- log in to the dqm machines. From a terminal type "sshdqm spd@SPDHits"
- type "SPDReferenceDisplayer.exe &"
To re-build SPDReferenceDisplayer
- procedure to apply in case of a root update (or when the SPDReferenceDisplayer does not work anymore)
- log in to the dqm machines. From a terminal type "sshdqm spd@SPDHits"
- type "which SPDReferenceDisplayer.exe" and go to the folder specified
- do a "make clean" and then "make", the displayer should work again