SPDmood monitoring objects

Global displays tab

Global Displays

Clusters Column

Clu XY Global coordinates of clusters found. 2-D plot, shown in x-y plane.
Clu ZY Global coordinates of clusters found. 2-D plot, shown in z-y plane.
Clu XYZ Global coordinates of clusters found. 3-D plot.
Clu Mult Cluster multiplicity per event. Shown as a function of event number (as defined by SPD-MOOD). One histogram each for: a) both layers (black color), b) outer layer (red color), c) inner layer (blue color).
Clu Inner vs Outer Number of clusters per event for inner layer vs outer layer. 2-D histogram. Each entry in histogram corresponds to one event.
Clu Per Eq Inner Number of clusters found on inner layer, for each equipment. 1-D histogram: Number of clusters vs equipment.
Clu Per Eq Outer Number of clusters found on outer layer, for each equipment. 1-D histogram: Number of clusters vs equipment.
Clu Per HS Side A Number of clusters found for each half-stave on side A. 2-D histogram with one bin per hs. Show detector button on display window shows half-staves as lines on plot. The half-staves not present in data taking are left out.
Clu Per HS Side C Number of clusters found for each half-stave on side C. 2-D histogram with one bin per hs. Show detector button on display window shows half-staves as lines on plot. The half-staves not present in data taking are left out.
Clu Per Stave Number of clusters found for each stave (side A+C). 2-D histogram with one bin per stave. Show detector button on display window shows half-staves as lines on plot. If one of the two half-staves are missing, a dashed line is shown. If both half-staves are missing the line is completely left out.
Clu Size Inner Size (number of pixels) of clusters on inner layer. 1-D histogram with one entry per cluster.
Clu Size Outer Size (number of pixels) of clusters on outer layer. 1-D histogram with one entry per cluster.
Clu Type Inner Type of clusters on inner layer. 1-D histogram with one entry per cluster. The meaning of the different types can be displayed, using the "show cluster types" button on the display window.
Clu Type Outer Type of clusters on outer layer. 1-D histogram with one entry per cluster. The meaning of the different types can be displayed, using the "show cluster types" button on the display window.
Clu Wid Z Width of clusters in z direction (span of pixels along z). One entry per cluster. One histogram each for: a) both layers (black color), b) outer layer (red color), c) inner layer (blue color).
Clu Wid Phi Width of clusters in phi direction (span of pixels along phi). One entry per cluster. One histogram each for: a) both layers (black color), b) outer layer (red color), c) inner layer (blue color).
Clu Wid Z vs Phi Inner Width of clusters in z direction (span of pixels along z) vs phi for inner layer. One entry per cluster.
Clu Wid Z vs Phi Outer Width of clusters in z direction (span of pixels along z) vs phi for outer layer. One entry per cluster.
Global Displays Pixels Column
Global coordinates of single pixels. 2-D plot, shown in x-y plane.
Global coordinates of single pixels. 2-D plot, shown in z-y plane.
Global coordinates of single pixels. 3-D plot.
Pix Mult Pixel multiplicity per event. Shown as a function of event number (as defined by SPD-MOOD). One histogram each for: a) both layers (black color), b) outer layer (red color), c) inner layer (blue color). Has an option to dump time stamp, event, and multiplicity on terminal window.
Pix Mult HS Pixel multiplicity per event, and half-stave. 1-D histogram: Multiplicity per HS on x-axis. One histogram each for: a) both layers (black color), b) outer layer (red color), c) inner layer (blue color).
Pix Mult Chip Pixel multiplicity per event, and chip. 1-D histogram: Multiplicity per Chip on x-axis. One histogram each for: a) both layers (black color), b) outer layer (red color), c) inner layer (blue color).
Pixel phi distribution. 1-D histogram: Phi on x-axis. One histogram each for: a) both layers (black color), b) outer layer (red color), c) inner layer (blue color).
Pixel z distribution. 1-D histogram: Z on x-axis. One histogram each for: a) both layers (black color), b) outer layer (red color), c) inner layer (blue color).
Pixel phi reference distribution. 1-D histogram: Phi on x-axis. One histogram each for: a) both layers (black color), b) outer layer (red color), c) inner layer (blue color). The histogram can hold only one event. Reset to get a new expected distribution.
Pixel z reference distribution. 1-D histogram: Z on x-axis. One histogram each for: a) both layers (black color), b) outer layer (red color), c) inner layer (blue color). The histogram can hold only one event. Reset to get a new expected distribution.
Global Displays Other Column
BC mod 4 Bunch crossing modulus 4. Can be used to check synchronization with beam clock. Has option to dump bc to terminal for each event.


Pixel displays tab

Pixel Displays Hit-Maps Column
Eq 0-19 20 displays, one for each equipment. 2-D histogram of all pixel hits, in local (on-line) coordinates (eq,hs,chip,col,row). BEWARE! These coordinates are not the physical ones, they represent the read out electronic conventions. Double-clicking a chip will open a new display showing that chip.
Pixel Displays Hits-Per-Event Column
All Eq Hits per event for each equipment. 1-D histogram filled for each pixel hit. 20 bins on x-axis, one for each equipment. Display shows total (full detector) number of hits per event.
Eq 0-19 Hits per event for each chip. 20 displays, one for each equipment. 1-D histogram filled for each pixel hit. 60 bins on x-axis, one for each chip.
Pixel Displays Events-With-Hits Column
All Eq Ratio of events that contain hits, measured for each equipment. 1-D histogram. 20 bins on x-axis, one for each equipment. Display shows also total (full detector) ratio.
Eq 0-19 Ratio of events that contain hits, measured for each chip. 20 displays, one for each equipment. 1-D histogram. 60 bins on x-axis, one for each chip.


Fast-OR displays tab

Fast-OR Displays Fast-OR Signals Column
All Eq Number of Fast-OR signals per equipment. 1-D histogram. 20 bins, one for each equipment. Display shows total (full detector) number of Fast-ORs.
Eq 0-19 Number of Fast-OR signals per chip. 20 displays, one for each equipment. Each histogram 1-D. 60 bins, one for each chip.
Fast-OR Displays Ratio of Missing Fast-OR Signals Column
All Eq Ratio of missing signals with respect to expected signals (where there were pixel hits) per equipment. 1-D histogram, 20 bins on x-axis, one for each equipment. Also displays total (full detector) ratio of missing signals.
Eq 0-19 Ratio of missing signals with respect to expected signals (where there were pixel hits) per chip. 20 displays, one for each equipment. 1-D histogram, 60 bins on x-axis, one for each chip.
Fast-OR Displays Events-With-Hits w/o Fast-OR Column
All Eq Number of events that contain hits, but no Fast-OR signal, measured for each equipment. 1-D histogram. 20 bins on x-axis, one for each equipment. Display shows also total (full detector) number.
Eq 0-19 Number of events that contain hits, but no Fast-OR signal, measured for each chip. 20 displays, one for each equipment. 1-D histogram. 60 bins on x-axis, one for each chip.
Fast-OR Displays Additional Plots Column
Inner vs Outer Number of Fast-OR signals per event for inner layer vs outer layer. 2-D histogram with one entry per event.


Cons Error Displays tab

Cons Error Displays Main Selections Column
Errors Vs Equipment Number of consistency errors vs equipment number. 1-D histogram, 20 bins, one for each equipment on x-axis.
Errors Vs Error Code Number of consistency errors vs error code. The meaning of the error codes can be displayed by pressing the "Show Error Codes" button on the display. 1-D histogram, one bin for each error code defined.
Events with Errors Vs Eq Fraction of events with consistency errors vs equipment number. 1-D histogram, 20 bins, one for each equipment on x-axis.
Events with Errors Vs EC Fraction of events with consistency errors vs error code. The meaning of the error codes can be displayed by pressing the "Show Error Codes" button on the display. 1-D histogram, one bin for each error code defined.
Errors Vs Event Number of consistency errors per event vs event number, as defined by SPD-MOOD. From display window a lot of histograms can be reached by changing error codes and equipment numbers. "Show Error Codes" button explains the meaning of the different error codes.
Bytes Read Vs Event 2-D histogram. Amount of bytes read when a consistency error occurs - vs event number, as defined by SPD-MOOD. From display window a lot of histograms can be reached by changing error codes and equipment numbers. "Show Error Codes" button explains the meaning of the different error codes.
Error Messages Dump display, that may dump error messages to terminal window, or to display (the latter not fully functioning). Dump displays work in a similar way as normal displays, with a text buffer instead of a histogram. Reset will clear the text buffer.
Cons Error Displays Errors Vs Error Code Column
Eq 0-19 Number of consistency errors vs error code. 20 displays, one for each equipment. 1-D histogram. Error code on x-axis, one bin for each error code. The meaning of the error codes can be displayed by pressing the "Show Error Codes" button on the display.
Cons Error Displays Events with Errors Vs EC Column
Eq 0-19 Fraction of events with consistency errors vs error code. 20 displays, one for each equipment. 1-D histogram. Error code on x-axis, one bin for each error code. The meaning of the error codes can be displayed by pressing the "Show Error Codes" button on the display.


Dump displays tab

Dump Displays All Events Column
Payload Dump display, that dumps data payload to terminal window, or to display (the latter not fully functioning). Dump displays work in a similar way as normal displays, with a text buffer instead of a histogram. Reset will clear the text buffer.
Header Short Dump display, that dumps all LDC/GDC headers, and equipment headers - in short form - to terminal window, or to display (the latter not fully functioning). Also displays headers from other sub detectors than SPD. Dump displays work in a similar way as normal displays, with a text buffer instead of a histogram. Reset will clear the text buffer.
Header Long Dump display, that dumps all LDC/GDC headers, and equipment headers - in detailed form - to terminal window, or to display (the latter not fully functioning). Also displays headers from other sub detectors than SPD. Dump displays work in a similar way as normal displays, with a text buffer instead of a histogram. Reset will clear the text buffer.
Calib Header Dump display, that dumps extra calibration header information to terminal window, or to display (the latter not fully functioning). Dump displays work in a similar way as normal displays, with a text buffer instead of a histogram. Reset will clear the text buffer.
Dump Displays Events With Errors Only Column
Payload Payload dumped only when event has consistency problem. Otherwise same as for "All Events" column.
Header Short Header dumped only when event has consistency problem. Otherwise same as for "All Events" column.
Header Long Header dumped only when event has consistency problem. Otherwise same as for "All Events" column.