Since the DQM histograms have a numbering conventions which has been chosen to reduce the monitoring histograms, here some more details on how to change from DQM histogram notation to online notation can be found.


 - FastOr hitmap -


The maps shows as an X axis the number of HSs. The SPD has 120 HS in total and in this axis they have been calculated as follows :

- If eq is one of the SPD equipments (eq is a number between 0 and 19 ) 

- hs the HS number in the equipment (hs is a number between 0 and 5),

the final HS number on the X axis is given by the formula :

HS = eq*6 + hs.

Therefore HS/6 gives the eq number whereas HS%6 ( or HSmod(6)) retrieves the hs number. 

- MEB problem histogram -

The SPD has 1200 chips in total, so the X axis goes from 0 to 1200 and is computed by the formula : chipkey = eq*60+hs*10+chip. The way to localize the chip is the following :

- eq = (chipkey/60)

- hs = (chipkey%60)/10 or (chipkey Mod(60))/10

- chip = (chipkey%60)%10 or (chipkey Mod(60))Mod(10)


This is an example of the result of the QA plot on the run 104892 (2009 pp collisions) where the problem occured. The chip number can be computed as described above.



Zooming on the X axis, the chipkey numbers are 300 and 304. The table below shows how to localize the chips.




  I chip II chip


 (eq = chipkey /60)

 5 5

Half Stave

(hs = (chipkey%60)/10)

0 0


(chip = (chipkey%60)%10)

0 4