DSF start-up

Instructions for the start-up

Turn on VME crates and PIT hardware

  1. in the crate next to the table with the computer screens turn on the router and the trigger crate
  2. to turn on the PIT hardware turn on both power supplies below the router crate
  3. turn on all computers

Start the interlock system

  1. turn on the big HP data acquisition box (under pcspd2204 computer in the CAEN crate), press the button which says "LINE"
  2. log into pcspd2204 with apixel account
  3. ckech the GPIB-USB interface.  NOTE: if the computer was rebooted, the GPIB-USB user interface is not detected properly, therefore unplug it (the USB cable behind pcspd2204) and plug it again
  4. go to C:\interlock-dsf and open the labview panel Interlock Master Control.vi
  5. Set the interlock temperature in the Config panel and put 0 ms to the Read Cycle
  6. RUN Interlock Master Control.vi
  7. run PlotTemp* to get the graph of the temperatures for the modules on the sector and on the telescope

Turn on the water cooling for the test half-staves

  1. turn on the switch of the power supply that looks like a computer on the sector table
  2. turn on the fan next to the test half-staves

Start the CAEN system

  1. turn on the CAEN mainframe with the key (on "local")
  2. from aldcslab005 launch "telnetCaen" (on the Desktop) and start a telnet connection with CAEN, otherwise from the command prompt use the command "telnet spdcaen 1527"
  3. go to the bottom of the channel list and turn on the 48 V power supplies
  4. with the tab key go under "Utility" and press "Clear alarms" twice

Send a TTC init

  1. from pcaldrefgdc4 do ssh spd@lnxpool31
  2. run the command "vmecrate ltu"
  3. press the button Configuration -> LTUinit
  4. press the button Configuration -> TTCinit
  5. check if the QPLL of the link receivers in the router crate are locked

FOR LABVIEW ONLY - Run the VME resource manager

  1. make sure that LabView and the SPD FED are not running
  2. click on the icon on the desktop "Measurement & Automation"
  3. go to Tool -> NI-VXI -> VXI Resource Maganer and let it run

Reset the router interlock

  1. from spdfed0 launch the LabView panel C:\LabView\RouterSoftware\Router_Test_2.vi
  2. go to all used routers (at the moment the telescope is connected to router 4) and reset/write all temperature limit values

Start the DIM DNS on spdfed0

  1. from aldcslab005 run the software C:\DIM\dim_v20r7\bin\dns.exe

Start the SPD FED server

  1. from aldcslab005 go to D:\SpdFED\sideA and launch SPD_FEDServer
  2. go to D:\SpdFED\sideC and launch SPD_FEDServer

Open SPD user interface in PVSS

  1. login with Remote Desktop to pcpix100
    1. from the start menu launch PVSS Project Administration
    2. select spd_c and start the project
  2. login with Remote Desktop to spdtbfed0
    1. from the start menu launch PVSS Project Administration
    2. select spd_a and start the project
  3. login with Remote Desktop to pcpix108
    1. from the start menu launch PVSS Project Administration
    2. select spd_dcs and click on "open project console" (Ctrl+O).  The log viewer will also open automatically
    3. the User Interface opens automatically, if not launch C:\PVSSProjects\spd_dcs_20081030\userInterface.bat

Open PIT user interface in PVSS

  1. do a Remote Desktop on pcpix106, from the Start launch PVSS Project Administration
  2. select spd_pit and click on "start".  The log viewer will also open automatically
  3. select the User Interface with the option -m gedi and start it
  4. open the panel dcsUi/dcsUiMainPanel.pnl (username pit)

Start the DAQ

  1. from pcaldrefgdc4 go to /date/runControl
  2. ./do_start_dim.sh
  3. open another terminal and go again to /date/runControl
  4. ./start_SMI.sh
  5. ./start_smi_rcservers.sh
  6. ./start_daqDomains.sh
  7. ./DAQCONTROL.sh (for the user interface)
  8. /date/infoLogger/infoLoggerServer.sh
  9. /date/infoLogger/infoLoggerReader.sh
  10. launch infoBrowser

Start the PIT FED server

  1. do an ssh to pcald19, the default folder is /home/pixeltrigger/
  2. from there type ./run_pitFed start


SPD network devices in the DSF




spdfed0 SPD FED server computer apixel
pcspd2204 SPD interlock computer apixel
pcpix108 SPD PVSS top level computer (PVSS configured as service) apixel
spdtbfed0 SPD PVSS side A computer, no screen, no keyboard  
pcpix100 SPD PVSS side C computer, no screen, no keyboard  
aldaqpc018 SPD DAQ computer pixel
pcpix110 SPD analysis computer (SPD Mood) apixel
pcald19 PIT FED server computer pixeltrigger
pcpix106 PIT PVSS computer, no screen, no keyboard apixel
spdcaen CAEN mainframe admin
lnxpool31 LTU crate computer apixel
spdtbfed0 SPD FED server computer for test beam apixel
spdtbdcs0 SPD PVSS computer for test beam apixel