
To March 2006

Date Hour ID Note
Wed 04/Apr/06 11:00 GG Weight 32.6 kg. All loops locked.
Thu 06/Apr/06 15:20 GG System in STAND/BY
Mon 10/Apr/06 14:40 SC System in recovering, open loop1 pression (0.630 b; 0.610 b). Weight 31.710
^ 16:15 SC Loop1 locked, System in STAND/BY. Weight 32.060
Tue 11/Apr/06 19:15 SC System Off, weight 31.68
Fri 21/Apr/06 15:25 SC System Off, weight 32.45
^ 15:31 SC System Run Mode and after open the loop2
^ 16:40 SC System in Recovering,loop2 open, weight 27 Kg
Thu 27/Apr/06 15:30 GG PVSS interface not connected with the system. Network is OK but no answer from the system. PLC network module problem?
^ 18:00 GG System switched to XBT control. STANBY with all loops open.
Fri 28/Apr/06 12:22 GG System in RECOVERING. Loop 2 open, all the others closed.
^ 13:58 GG Loop 2 still open, the others locked. STANDBY.
Wed 03/May/06 15:49 GG Loop 1 locked at 0.55b, loop 2 open at 0.6b, al the others locked at ~0.4b. m=32.5kg. RUN.
^ 15:56 GG m=26.5kg. Compressor starts.
^ 16:21 GG m=26.7kg.
^ 16:44 GG m=26.2kg.
^ 16:50 GG m=26.0kg.
^ 17:24 GG m=24.9kg. No liquid in the compressor. RECOVERING.
^ 17:45 GG m= 28.3kg. RUN
^ 17:50 GG m=25.9kg. Compressor starts.
^ 18:11 GG m=25.1kg. No liquid in the compressor.
^ 18:44 GG m=24.6kg. No liquid in the compressor. RECOVERING.
Thu 04/May/06 13:40 GG System found in ALARM for weight variation. Reset. m=32.0 kg. RECOVER.
^ 15:43 GG Pressure 0.6b in all loops locked but loop 2. m=32.2kg. RUN.
^ 15:50 GG Compressor start. m=27.5kg.
^ 16:05 GG m= 27.2. HT of the sector problem: RECOVERING. Al loops open.
^ 16:36 GG Solved the network problem: IP address changed by </nop>NetOps. Changed the IP address in the PVSS interface (A. Tauro) and in the PLC (S. Berry).
^ 18:15 GG m=32.4kg. All loops locked at ~0.4b.
Fri 05/May/06 10:40 IAC m=31.610. Loop 3 only
^ 13:03 SC m=25.87 put in recovering. Loop 3 open
Mon 08/May/06 14:55 SC m=30.61, loop 3 open, system in run mode
^ 15:46 SC Loop 3 open, system in revovering
^ 15:58 SC m= 27.64, loop3 open, system in run mode
^ 16:20 SC m=25, Loop3 open, system in recovering
^ 17:07 GG m=22.5kg. No liquid in compressor. Recovering. Discovered serious detachment of the HSs on sector 1. Failure analysis on going.
Tue 09/May/06 09:51 GG m=30.0.
^ 17:27 GG System found in ALARM for weight variation. m=31.5. Reset. RECOVERING.
Wed 10/May/06 11:38 GG m=32.5kg. Loope 3 open, all the other locked.
^ 11:46 GG Temperature on the sector boxes and on the HSs is 21C (measured with </nop>quickTEMP, infrared thermometer). RUN.
^ 12:05 GG Temperature on the HSs is 17C.
^ 12:24 GG When powered, the normal HS reach 25C, the detached even more than 30C.
^ 13:22 GG m=24.0kg. RECOVERING.
^ 19:27 GG Other tests performed during the afternoon. SC reported that the system was in ALARM. Now is RECOVERING with all loops opened.
Thu 11/May/06 09:33 GG m=29.6kg. Locked all loops (at 0.4b) but 2 and 3.
^ 11:42 SC m=29.58 kg. Locked Loop2. system in Runmode
^ 13:17 SC m=22.5 kg. Loop 3 open, sysrem in recovering
^ 17:50 GG m=29.6kg. RUN
^ 17:59 GG m=27.2kg. Knee in the weight drops after 4 min. Stable temperature reached after 9 min. Return pressure rise up to 1.7b and decrease, with the compressor , again at 1.4b. When stable is at 1.55b. Temeprature test with IR camera and PT1000 measurements.
^ 18:48 GG m=24.0kg. RECOVERING.
Fri 12/May/06 10:54 GG m=29.6kg. Created a plots folder in D:\PVSS_Projects\SpdCooling_20060220\Plots . In steady state there is a stdev of 0.010kg. Limiting the data precision to 0.01?
^ 11:27 GG At 11:08 a slow increase of the weigth starts. Now is at 29.9kg. The compressor is still full throttling, the chiller is at 7.5°C, the loops are locked but loop 3. Pressure in the loops is 0.38b but loop 1 at 0.45b.
^ 11:34 GG m=29.9kg. RUN.
^ 12:01 SC m=26.54kg. recovering
^ 12:26 SC m=29.92kg. system in Rum mode
^ 12:41 SC m=26.58Kg. system in recovering
^ 15:26 GG m=30.1kg. STANDBY
Mon 15/May/06 16:45 GG System switched off by a general power cut. Chiller reset. System reset. RECOVERING with all loops open.

To May 2006


ID Name
GG Gianluca Guaglio
SC Simone Ceresa


-- Main.gguaglio - 04 Apr 2006