
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, then the INFN Padova arrives and the cooling was.

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Date Hour ID Note
Fri 25/Nov/05 --:-- FS According to the [[… Manual]], the amount of C4F10 required is:%BR%m=(25/2 + V + 5)* 1.5 kg%BR%where V= volume of the pipes from cooling plant to the sectors, in litres.%BR%In our case V=(Pi*D^2)/4 * l * 10 with D= 4 mm, l= 24 + 5.5 + 5.5 + 5.5 = 40.5 m, V~ 5 l -> m= 33.8 kg.%BR%Transfer stopped at about 33 kg, with almost the same value read from PLC (force sensor) and mass difference with the balance.%BR%We used the Wigam Easy Rec 45 for this purpose with the scheme reported on the paper logbook. I took about 4 h! Better se traditional methods. Initially the bottle was 82.4 kg.

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December 2005


ID Name
FS Fernando Scarlassara


-- gguaglio - 25 Apr 2006