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How to upgrade the caen branch controller
by Cesar in 20/04/06
Creating a New File
Fist thing to do is to create a new file, for that you would need java 2 installed and run the CaenEASYRackBuilder software. You are adviced to use the one locate "c:\CAEN Easy Builder\CaenEasyRackBuilder" in spdfed0 because older versions of this software will not let you set voltages lower than 2V . Run the software add all the modules with this visual interface and create the xml and binary file.
Uploading the file to the Caen system
Setting up the tftp server
Now you will need to set up an tftp server, for that you can use a nice software called pumpkin, you can also find it already installed in pcpix106. Click on options and select your "shared folder" and put there the binary file created. and select the option to always transfer the file
Uploading the file in the CAEN
Go to Utilities->Board Upgrade.
- Delete the last file,
- select dwonload file through tftp
- select the file name created before and wait till the download is done
- select the the file now downloaded to the caen
- select download to board
- tell the rack position of the branch controller (in current configuration is 06)
- wait untill is done and reeboot the caen
See if all the channels are there and that's done
note: in the back of the easy crate all HV modules except for sector0 need a special black adapter for the ladder controll,(sector0 has a special cable)