Software Wish List

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Extra Hardware Monitoring

Adding the possibility of mapping some more status of the system in the Router

  • Optical communication status
  • Event and data buffering status (ex: occupancy of the Link Receiver )

(includes programming the Link Receiver and Router FPGA's)

Pixel DCS

Integration with the FSM

The next items are still to be integrated in the FSM

  • Cooling
  • Interlock
  • Fed Server
  • Power Supplies

(includes PVSS and FSM programming)



On progress by Gianluca, but he would appreciate the help

Functional testing

During this initial phase a lot of testing and debugging needs to be done. There is the possibility to use the MPT card as a detector simulator used to perform a lot of these tests. (includes programming the brain card, daughter card and mpt card FPGA's)


Monitoring configuration

The tools still need to be choosen, PVSS and TCL TK look like best options


once again tools need to be choosen

Interconnection with pixel DCS

way needs to be studied

Synchronization issues

There are some timing and synchronization issues that need to be adressed



User's guide.

What to do if you want to do stg. (Hihi. Gianluca, 27/03/2006)


Programmer's guide.

List of classes, methods, structure, full code repository. (Hihihi. Gianluca, 27/03/2006)