On Call Instructions

  • Check the plan with the previous on-call person, if he/she has been an on-call for a long period overlap one day with him/her and follow P2 activities. Collect all the possible information in the control room from the shifters, the shifter leader or the period run coordinator.
  • Follow the LHC activities on OPvistars. Check the messages written in the left bottom part of the web page.  In case of stable conditions (i.e. stable beam or beam interruption for hours) call the shifter to rearrange the short-term plan, if any.
  • Follow the activities in counting room also by remote
  • Look at the log-book and in case of error messages decide if action are needed
  • Report on the electronic log-book any activity performed on the detector
    • Put the tick on “on-call interventions”, under subsystems
    • Summarize the relevant activities
  • Mark the runs as GOOD/BAD on the logbook, after checking at the DQM plots there
  • Attend the daily meeting at P2 (3294-R-008) and follow the ALICE activities
  • If SPD stops a Physics run, fast reaction is needed. SPD, V0 and CTP are special detectors and the physics partition waits only for them to be included before being restarted. We should react fast. If the problem needs long investigation, just postpone it for the next stop and restart the run asap.
  • Write a report at the end of the On-Call period.

